ESIC hospital offered different jobs so if you want to join ESIC hospital as an eploy then yes further detais is very helpful for applicant because all further details is base on ESIC Hospital Kerala Recruitment 2015 Doctor Vacancies Online Apply Form Notification. ESIC Employee State Insurance hospital Medical college is well reputed corporation that is affiliated with Kerala University of Health and Science. last few weeks ago ESIC Hospital Kerala Recruitment is open for different post like Part Time Specialist, senior resident 1 year and senior resident 3 years now in below side all applicant get require information that is important for job apply procedure.
ESIC Hospital Kerala Recruitment 2015 Post Name:
- Part Time Specialist
- Senior Resident 1 year (Adhoc basis )
- Senior Resident 3 Years ( Regular)
How to Apply for ESIC Hospital Kerala Recruitment 2015:
- If you want to apply in these jobs then not application form is require
- Walk in interview is apply procedure so on 22-06-2015 form 10AM interview procedure will start for all Applicant
- Interview Venue is ESIC hospital Udyogamandal Ernakulam
- Bring your job application and all Orignal Documents on interview date
Age Limit Criteria for ESIC Hospital Kerala Recruitment 2015:
- for Part Time Specialist upto 64 age limit
- For Sernior Resident posts age limit is upto 35 years
Eligibility Criteria:
- if you want to apply for Part Time Specialist job then eligibility criteria is PG degree with 3 years experience as a respective specialty and PG diploma with 5 years experience.
- If you want to apply for Senoir Resident 1 year jobs then eligibility criteria is PG degree or PG diploma with 2 years experience after MBBS form government hospital
- if you want to apply for Sebior Resident 3 years post then PG degree or PG diploma is require
after ESIC Hospital Kerala Recruitment 2015 Doctor Vacancies Online Apply Form Notification details viist this website main home page for medical jobs in different hospital.