Weight Loss Tips For Indian Women Exercise Diet Plan At Home is written here. If you are woman and looking for the best tips and exercise for weight loss at home in India than you are at right place. Every 2nd Indian women is fighting against overweight after marriage in India. Women have become more conscious about their weight from last few decades. Most of the women gain weight after pregnancy, but there is also some women who gained fat due to unbalanced diet. It is very difficult to lose weight without maintaining healthy diet and proper workout in Gym. There is also a group of women who do not allow for gym or they don’t afford the fee of gyms. This is the best place for those women because I’m going to tell you about the foods and workout plans, which will help you to lose weight at your home.
Weight Loss Tips For Indian Women Exercise Diet Plan At Home
Weight Loss Exercises:
If you can’t afford the dues of gym but want to lose your weight than let me help you to lose your weight. In this article I’m going to tell you about best fat burning exercises that you can do at your home and burn your calories.
Inverted V Pipe Exercise:
You can do Inverted V Pipe exercise daily in the morning for weight loss. This is the best exercise for weight loss. For this exercise you need to lie down facing the floor. Place your hands and toes on floor and balanced your body on the toes and hands by making inverted V shape. Now pull and push your legs in and out for 30 seconds.
W Leg Lifts Exercise:
This exercise is best for legs and abs. First of all lay down on the floor facing upward. Now bring your legs close to each other, and lift them straight up at 90 degree angle. Now bring your legs down and stretch them in opposite direction. Repeat this step for 30 seconds.
Superman Exercise:
Superman exercise will help you to reduce fats from your lower back, thighs and abs. after performing 1st both exercises now turn your face towards the ground and stretch yourself by keeping your hands and legs straight. You should also lift your chest and thighs of the ground while stretching and balance your whole body on your tummy.
Skipping Exercise:
Skipping exercise is also one of the most effective exercises for weight loss. It is very easy and most effective exercise which you can do it for as long as you can and you will never tired by doing skipping for 2 mints.
Morning Walk:
If you are over weighted and want to lose your weight than morning walk is very important for you. You can do for a long morning walk at every morning which will help you to reduce your weight. Morning walk will also keep you fit both mentally and physically.
Diet Plan for Weight Loss:
If you want to lose your weight by proper diet plan than today I’m going to tell you about the most effective diet chart, by which you can easily reduce your weight. 1st of all you should keep it in mind that if you want lose or gain weight, healthy diet always plays an effective role in it. First of all you should divide your meals into 4 to 5 times. Than calculate your both daily calories intake and how much you are burning at a day. This will help you to reduce your fats. Best diet plan for weight loss is written below.
Early Morning:
You should start your day by taking full glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice and one tea spoon of honey. After this you can take 1 cup of green tea or black tea without sugar which help you to increase your metabolism.
After 1 to 2 hour later of your early meal you should take 350 calories in your breakfast. Breakfast is very essential for healthy mental and physical health. You can eat two roties along with any vegitable gravy. Or, you can eat 1 quarter plate brown bread or broken wheat upma and a cup of low fat milk.
There are multiple things that you can eat in your daily lunch. You can also eat roties with fish or vegetables in your lunch with full plate of green salad and rice. One thing keeps in mind that you should not exceed from 35o calories in your lunch.
You should take snacks with cup of tea in evening. It is very essential to make your metabolism in balance. You can also drink salted lime juice at evening or buttermilk.
Dinner is also very important for the healthy body and mind. If you want to lose your weight, than you should eat less in your dinner. You can start your dinner with vegetable soaps and can also eat 2 roties with any of the vegetable gravy. This will help you to reduce your weight.