Aarthi Agarwal was a rising actress in Indian film industry who worked in Telugu and tollywood films. This versatile actress kicked her acting career thorough a bollywood film Paagalpan when she was only sixteen years old. After this she made her Telugu film career debut through Nuvvu Naaki Nachav with one of the famous actor Venkatesh. Asides this she had also worked in many Tamil films too and won many awards for her acting. She was last seen in Telugu film Ranam 2 which was released in 2015. She was died on 6th June in 2015 due to cardiac arrest in United States of America. Before her death she undergone liposuction surgery. In this article you will come to know about the actress Aarthi Agarwal, about her family photos, husband, sister, father, mother, height and bio, which is mention below.
Aarthi Agarwal Family Members Name and Relationship:
- Mother: Veema Agarwal
- Father: Shashank Agarwal
- Brother: Akash Agarwal
- Sister: Aditi Agarwal
- Husband: Ujjwal Kumar
Aarthi Agarwal Family:
She was born into a business family of India. Her family was immigrated to America before her birth. She had two beloved siblings including a beloved brother who helped her throughout her life till death. Her father has his own business of hotel.
Aarthi Agarwal Husband:
She married to a software engineer Tasval Kumar in 2007. Their relation didn’t last long and they split up after two years in 2009. The both hadn’t given birth to any child together.
Aarthi Agarwal Sister:
She had a beloved sister Aditi Agarwal. Aditi Agarwal is also a well known actress too who works in South Indian film industry. Both sisters were very close to each other.
Aarthi Agarwal Father and Mother:
She was the daughter of Mr. Shashank Agarwal and his beloved wife Veema Agarwal. His father has his own business of hotel. Her father and mother had always stayed with their daughter.
Aarthi Agarwal Height:
She was 5.6 feet tall.