Satish Kaushik son, wife, daughter name, family photos are all presented here. So if you want to know all about Satish Kaushik family background along with photos gallery then keep on reading and watching. Satish Kaushik is quite one of the polished actors! He can do comedy, he is a director, he is a fine man, he can do any kind of role. When his 2 year old son died away then he was quite depressed at that time. But at the age of 50, this great actor once again become a proud and a happy go lucky dad! Moreover he has also won and nominated for various note able awards and prizes in his whole career. he is still attached with show biz and working for his upcoming movies. Just have a look at his daughter and family pictures and see how much happy he is: Have a look down…
Satish Kaushik Son, Wife, Daughter Name, Family Photos
Satish Kaushik Family
His date of birth is 13th April 1956. His age is 60. His birth place is Mahendragarh, India. It was in a village named as Dhanouda where he was born and brought up. Now, this place is known as Haryana. Later on, he and his family moved to Delhi where he lived the rest of his life. He did his graduation from Kirori Mal college and then he also attended the National school of drama. It is in New Delhi. He has too studied from the Film and Television institute, it is in Pune. It is because of these trainings that he has become such a great and finest looking actor.
Satish Kaushik Wife
His wife name is Shashi Kaushik, his wife is amazing. When a daughter came into their lives after so many years then Satish Kaushik and his wife become one of the happiest parents in this world.
Satish Kaushik Son Daughter
After 16 years of death of his 2 years old beloved son “Shanu” God blessed him with daughter named as ”Vanshikha”. This baby girl has been opted by the process of in-vitro fertilization. It was in the year 2012 when their daughter. Satish Kaushik told the media that it was such a painful time for both of them when they lost their son but now they are again grateful to God for this massive blessing and gift (their daughter). Well Satish’s son photo is not available on media but he has many times hit the shows with his daughter and here below of this passage I have presented Satish Kaushik with his daughter.
Satish With His Daughter Vanshikha
hence all about Satish Kaushik Son, Wife, Daughter Name, Family Photos is written and presented here. Further, just keep attached with this website to get any further report, news or photos as as as he uploaded on media.