Bipasha Basu Diet Plan, Workout, Exercise Routine Plan are written here. Bipasha Basu is one of the top paid actresses and model. She was born on 7th January 1979 in Delhi. She started his career as a model and become one of the sexiest Model of India. She is famous by her attractive and fit body. Bipasha has a strict weekly workout plan that she doesn’t skip at any price. She uses to eat healthy diet and forbears from bad habits such as drinking and smoking. According to dusky fitness queen if anyone wants to lose weight, he/she must take plenty of water which makes their system clean and helps them to lose weight. She believes that weight loss pills and diet are not as effective as a regular exercise. She avoids junk food and eats healthy meal. According to bipasha’s trainer she was the fittest girl among all actresses in bollywood. She workouts for 2 hours daily, which helps her to maintain her body.
Bipasha Basu diet Plan:
Bipasha Basu eats healthy meal to keep her slim and fit. She starts her early day with drinking a glass full of water with lime. She also takes overnight soaked almonds in every morning, after that she takes a cup of tea. In her breakfast she eats 6 egg whites along with mushrooms and toast, she also eats fruits in morning. She eats simple lunch, in her lunch she uses to eat dal, green salad, grilled fish, or chicken with two soy chapattis. For dinners she prefers green salad, dal, fish cooked in olive oil with 2 chapattis, before going to bed she eats some deserts.
Bipasha Basu Workout Routine:
Bipasha Basu starts her day by running on treadmill for 20 mints, after that she goes for cycling for 20 minutes. She also uses cross trainer for 10 minutes which keeps her belly in shape. On every Monday she works on her upper body by performing many exercises. On Tuesday she focuses on her abs workout which is essential to keep her in shape. Every Wednesday she targets her lower body and legs and performs many exercises. On Thursday she works on her hips. Every Friday she repeats her upper body workouts plans. At the end of weekend she targets her hips and abs and performs a combination of exercises. She enjoys rest on every Sunday.